Magister of Cosmoenergetics - Progressor IRINA ALP  Eng   Rus
The channel NIRVANA

Do not open on yourself!
It does not require operating time. Opens according to the magic scheme.
Frequency works against cancers, except stomach cancer and stage 4 cancer.
For the gastrointestinal tract and cancer of the stage 4, we recommend frequencies of ASTRAL POWDER and PARDJANIY.

NIRVANA helps with any neoplasms - malignant cancer and benign (tumors, cysts, fibroids, etc.). The patient must be prepared for work with this frequency.
Conduct the usual cleanings (FIRAST, 1-MAGIC, MAMA), if necessary - write off.

It is better to clean the diseased organ with ASTRAL POWDER first. Next - pump the frequency with contact scheme in to diseased organ with the aim of eliminating or breaking neoplasms.
Do not recommended to mix with other frequencies, but you can alternate through a session, for example, with ASTRAL POWDER.

Warning! It’s strictly forbidden to open a channel on yourself!

Cosmoenergy School Irina Alp  © 2018-2025