Magister of Cosmoenergetics - Progressor IRINA ALP  Eng   Rus
The channel SHIVA

A student can be initiated into the SHIVA CHANNEL after being attuned to the FARUN-BUDDHA CHANNEL.
This channel neutralizes the VOODU channel. Heals the cardiovascular system.

Warning! When working with the channel on the cardiovascular system is important proper diagnosis.

With an erroneous diagnosis, after work the patient may complain of a severe headache.

For the channel to work for treatment, a specific setting is required for each type of disease or individual organs.
Channel SHIVA performs:

  • Removal and purification of white and black magic (witchcraft)
  • Removal and cleansing of all human intrusions and influences
  • Several times increases the efficiency of the brain
  • It is an access to the intellect of the Creator
  • A person is able to perceive and conduct this channel to the best of his intelligence
  • Able to open the consciousness of genius, as involvement in the intellect of the Creator, which for the essence of the human mind is the highest pleasure


  • Restoring damaged cells, improving blood circulation, oxygen saturation. The vessels of the brain, intracranial pressure, cramping
  • Returns and restores memory
  • Improves brain function at any age, elderly and children
  • Develops ability to foreign languages, memorization of large texts
  • Relieves motion sickness syndrome
  • Diseases of the spine
  • Inflammation of joints

Cosmoenergy School Irina Alp  © 2018-2025