Magister of Cosmoenergetics - Progressor IRINA ALP  Eng   Rus

It causes harm to the physical body and psyche. Extreme means for self-defense in case of threat to life.

If the rules for using and opening the channel are not followed correctly or if it is used too often, it is dangerous for the operator.
If you open Ahriman 2 times a year, then this frequency can interrupt all other frequencies and you will work only in his way.

You can open channel AHRIMAN only in EMERGENCY SITUATION, no more than once a year.
The frequency of the dark energy spectrum of egregore. As a rule, it is not directly used by people who are initiated into the Egregorian Zoroastrianism.
The light frequencies of the egregor energy spectrum connect it automatically when it is necessary to defeat a specific evil that stands in the way. In this case, one evil is suppressed by another evil.
The thought image is a black scary man in black clothes.

Cosmoenergy School Irina Alp  © 2018-2025