Magister of Cosmoenergetics - Progressor IRINA ALP  Eng   Rus

In order to understand the energy of YEDINE, imagine the following picture. Two kids playing with water. When they have a lot of water, they behave joyfully and fun, energetic and mobile. But when the amount of water is reduced, children become more lethargic and dull, weak and lifeless. Surely, you have already guessed that water means energy.

There are several variations of this game. The first story line is very sad and common. Both of the children have not yet possessed sufficient skills and abilities.
Trying to grab water from the partner, each of them loses its magic drops. At the same time, they throw accusations, harbor resentment against each other, in one word, instead of accumulating water, they carelessly splashed it in all directions.
The result is that both children come to exhaustion, and then the desire to continue the game simply disappears. In this game, any protection of our children is missing.

The second storyline is also very common and well known to everyone. For some reason, a child learned not to spill his water, he accumulates it, while the second child still looses it. As a result, the first child completes the game in a state of happiness and satisfaction, and the second one feels tired, hurt and humiliated.
Please note, our children are playing in a boundless ocean bay. Around them is plenty of water, so the primary task is not to take away the water from another – as only stupid children do that but to learn to grab the water and hold it.
Since water is around in abundance, concern about the lack of free energy and energy vampires seems silly and ineffective. Instead, we need to develop and strengthen our protection.
And now it will be discussed on how to transfer your energy and support your favorite people that are close to us.

How YEDINE affects relationships?
There is a third story, which became the most surprising and exciting. Children in it somehow learned to help each other, leading to an increase in the amount of water in each of them.
It’s hard to believe but it’s true! Children are playing in the bottomless ocean of sparkling water, so their interaction with each other is continuously growing the energy level of each of them.
In this case no one would lose out. Wise defender YEDINE, teaches us exactly that. It aims at building a harmonious, personal protection, and then prompts to unite the protection of other people and the world at large.
Now, the true essence of compassion seems much clearer. Channel YEDINE creates the protection, which releases energy from our space only if it can return to multiply. This released energy is helping people.
Thanks to this we can increase own energy level, and consequently, even more to help others. In other words, providing assistance to others, we not only increase their energy level, but also your own.
That is how Zoroastrian channel YEDINE  works. Continuing the theme of the relationship, we note that YEDINE teaches us to care and protect not only of ourselves but also of our loved ones. Many, for example, know what overprotection is. The benefits of such care, of course, are not very much, even, on the contrary, at some point it starts to hurt.
Fortunately, this problem is solved with the help of channel YEDINE.
It shows what should be the real harmonious relationship between husband and wife, parents and their children, and so on. YEDINE shows how to become wise and caring person for the people around you.  

How YEDINE effects business?
Channel YEDINE is able to provide invaluable assistance and support in the business area. Working with Zoroastrian channel YEDINE, you will learn how to protect your investment, to avoid pointless waste of resources and time, how to achieve development and prosperity of each member of your team for the benefit of the common cause.
YEDINE teaches us cooperation – such interaction, in which each participant receives a benefit, and no one is harmed. That includes protection of each participant individually, as well as the whole team. Such protection has particularly deep understanding, which all participants consciously and unconsciously adhere to.
Under the new rules, business is continuously growing steadily regardless of what is happening within the team and environment.  

How channel YEDINE affects self-development?
With a sober look at the world, it becomes clear that there is no real development is possible without a strong defense. The path of personal development is quite difficult, and sometimes even confusing. A person can get into various situations, including the most dangerous, so YEDINE becomes a great teacher and an assistant in a field of self-defense.
At some point, practitioner becomes interested in energy conservation and its attraction. He understands that the way forward requires every drop that he is able to receive.  It becomes impermissible to spend their energy, so he stores energy efficiently and not to be in a state of constant ups and downs.
It requires a harmonious protection to achieve this goal, and that is where he has the support of caring YEDINE. Communicate with this channel more and you will be able to build a harmonious protective filter.
Channel YEDINE has another feature, through which you can quickly learn how to control your attention. It is very important for every spiritual development. Work with this quality and the result will come soon.  

Healing qualities of YEDINE
We start talking about healing, recognizing that YEDINE plays an indispensable role in this matter, as any disease happens as a result of a lack of protection in a particular level.
The reason may be, for example, weak protection against external negative impacts. In such cases we say about the holes in the aura, in protection and so on. Disease may be associated with disharmony within himself at any level, for example, at the level of ideas about the world and about yourself.
This, too, is due to weak protection. Luckily, YEDINE helps to solve these problems by strengthening our protective filter, through which we interact with the environment. YEDINE starts powerful process of inner transformation that is needed to strengthen the integral protection of the person at all levels.
Thus, many diseases disappear by themselves and their nature and source, description and characteristics do not matter. Strengthening of the protection also leads to strengthening of our immune system, good luck and good fortune in general.  

Protective channel. Mirrors any external influence. Does not protect the property and rights but inner peace and stability.
It is also used to protect a man from the external influence and pressure leading to independent decision making. Protects during astral travel.
In healing – removes schizophrenia. Relaxes various phobias (fears). Helps to resolve internal conflict within. Works well to remove doubts and gain confidence. Removes blocks and binding. Restores health in severe cases.
Activates internal cellular memory and internal knowledge. Helps to overcome mental and physical obstacles.

Powerful frequency of global security. Use it as widely as you need it. On the road it is used as a protective shield that makes you invisible to enemies and problems on the road.
Increases and restores the personal power. Helps to understand a person’s mission on earth.
Prevents the invasion of foreign forces and energies. Enhances the ability to sense danger.
Used for wish fulfillment, attracting wealth and luck.
Practice shows that this frequency is better to open after the other Zoroastrian frequencies.

Cosmoenergy School Irina Alp  © 2018-2025