Magister of Cosmoenergetics - Progressor IRINA ALP  Eng   Rus

To get the essence of his energy, you need to fully understand the way of the warrior.

The way of the Warrior – this is not the way of the destroyer. Every initiated knows that a warrior is its own spirit that is in each of us. At the same time it does not matter what your gender, religion or nationality is.
The Warrior’s Spirit is a very necessary part of a person, it is simply essential. The spirit of a warrior is fighting for the freedom to be active, fluid and mobile. This battle takes place in ourselves and in our spirit fights with our fear, ignorance and laziness.

When you start to work with a profound Zoroastrian channel MIRIH, you realize how light-mindedly and unconsciously we live own life and thoughtlessly treat ourselves, people and events. The transition from action to action is passive and indifferent.
We forget what a real involvement is, what is happening, what is a solid decision-making and what is responsibility. Through MIRIH we get a chance to look at the world and our place in it with greater maturity and seriousness, clearly realize that not everything that happens exists by itself.

In our world, there are things that need our participation and support. You begin deeply and seriously reconsider own life and everything that fills it.
Another important topic related to MIRIH is death. Death is what fills our life with true meaning and real power. Usually a person consciously or unconsciously refers to himself as an immortal being.
He does not understand that this way he finds himself in a prison of weakness. The person can be naive to believe that the time is available at all times of the universe.
For this reason he loses his battle for freedom.

The truth is that we are all mortal. Moreover, we are not mere mortals – we can die suddenly .
Initiated into the mysteries of death is perfectly aware of the fact that every second, every moment could be the last. Under the influence of this powerful knowledge the whole way of life is changing.
Thanks to MIRIH you also can get this knowledge. And even that’s not all, what we can touch while communicating with the energy of MIRIH.
Now we are talking about a deep awareness of being impersonal. The fact is that each of us looks at ourselves and the world around from the perspective of the individual.

That is why we are not fully aware what such an impersonal experience is, what is the perception of ourselves and the world from a position of impersonal. Those who communicates with Mirih’s energy deep enough for a long time, this knowledge will uncover sooner or later, and then the person is already completely different and he goes to the next level.

How MIRIH impacts relationships?
The powerful energy of MIRIH helps in relationships to do something that needs encouragement: to take decisive steps, to be firm in decisions and in actions. Mirih cuts everything that is aggravating and outlived, but at the same time helps to be persistence and protective for what we treasure.
MIRIH allows you to look into each other’s eyes without all the masks and images that we made up ourselves. This is done in order to find the very brink inside that separates the known and the unknown. In fact, to note the presence of a real invisible and unknown part of the person it is required to be sincere and courageous. Mirih’s energy helps in the acquisition of these qualities.

How MIRIH impacts business?
With the support of the Zoroastrian channel MIRIH, you can be sure that the crises and difficulties are easy to overcome. Due to the fact that MIRIH reinforces fighting spirit in people, the effectiveness of your staff increases significantly. Furthermore, Mirih clearly knows the true boundaries of the world, so you will clearly evaluate all situations. Reasonable risk in business is normal. But it will be reasonable only if you are aware of its presence and size accurately. If you decide to take this risk, Mirih will not allow to waste resources.
The channel will gather all your energy and the energy of your business into a single mighty blow and will send it to the chosen target.

How MIRIH effects self-development?
We already know that MIRIH is very tightly connected with the path of the warrior. Every practitioner who wished to get acquainted with the way of the warrior closer, get a huge and invaluable support of this Zoroastrian channel. Warrior Spirit is present in every human being – be it a small child or a weak woman. And even if you do not become a warrior, its spirit lives in you in dormant state, which can grow into true warrior with the personal work and with proper approach. On this amazing journey, Mirih becomes of an assistant and a wise teacher who directs in the right direction and not to get lost in the web of worldly life, fear and laziness.

Healing properties of MIRIH channel
The rejection of the military spirit creates a lot of difficulties. This is often reflected in the physical and mental health. The oppressed and depressed spirit can lead to terrible diseases and pathologies.
With Mirih, solving and avoiding many of the problems, the fighting spirit is healed. Then you can find effective ways for its harmonious use.
Now all life is filled with firmness and decisiveness, even if we do not fully become a warrior.  

God of War. Creates situations of discord and destruction in all areas. Sweeps away everything in its path due to its destructive power. Energy, power and strength. The energy of integrity, creativity and destruction.
But at the same time MIRIH helps to find stolen items, to reconcile quarreling, to find a compromise in partnerships, eliminates obsession and rejection in business relations.
Through this frequency you can achieve victory in the war, sports, love, life etc.

The union of opposites, harmonization – the path to transformation. The channel:

  • Allows you to find and review good sides in bad and to strengthen them.
  • Helps to reflect and concentrate on important decisions. Helps to clarify the situation and make the right decision.
  • Increases the determination and will to win. Gives energy to fulfil the plan.
  • Breaks unnecessary and obsolete communications.
  • Helps in any struggle (starting with the neighbor to the resolving the inner I). Helps to review life.
  • Enhances honest attitude towards yourself and helps get rid of the restrictions through awareness.
  • Removes the binding. Helps with entities.
  • Protects babies sleep.
  • Eliminates conflicts, a beneficial effect on the large numbers of people.
  • MIRIH even can cleanse the whole city.

Cosmoenergy School Irina Alp  © 2018-2025