ANAHITA is virtually unlimited in its manifestations.
How ANAHITA affects relationships?
Each of us in one way or another is familiar with concepts such as unity and dedication. And we are talking now, not about political slogans, we are talking about the real principles that are the basis of any normal relationship. Surely, you had a feeling that even with the outer well-being appearance in a relationship with a certain individual or business people there is something very important that is missing, without which relationships are actually lifeless, artificial and simulated, without which no further development can happen.
In this case we are talking about a special fire connecting broken hearts by melting them together. ANAHITA awakens the inner fire and allows to see it in others. Energy subtly brings people together at the level of the divine co-creation and it reveals the deep connection between them.
Through this flame, everything artificial in the relationships burns. At the same time, ANAHITA releases your creative fire, eventually starts to bring all the happiness and joy, which ultimately leads to an improvement in both personal and welfare.
Channel ANAHITA teaches us to communicate with each other relaxed and naturally, free of our pretentious games, nervousness and emotions. ANAHITA encourages us to open the eternal wisdom, but, at the same time, to remain forever young.
Working with channel ANAHITA reveals true love and it helps to understand its silent language.
How ANAHITA affects business?
One for all and all for one! – Not every team is able to distinguish such cohesion, and it is from this, first of all, depends the welfare and success of each participant and the organization as a whole. With channel ANAHITA this problem can be successfully solved. Thanks to the work with the channel, you will learn what the team spirit is, which means to work with the flame and with enthusiasm. Once this creative energy is opened – calmly take all that it brings with it.
Another important point is a business development. There are times when a company brings revenue and everything is pretty reliable and stable, but the development at the same time is stopped. Business is afloat, but it is not the ideal state that you would like to be. Gradually it starts to bore.
The most difficult thing is that you do not quite know what to do next. It is not clear what exactly prevents us to move to the next stage of the business game and what you need to do for a change to occurre.
In such a difficult situation ANAHITA will help. It does not matter whether business or your personal life is affected.
ANAHITA shows that without going to a new level, real well-being and prosperity can not happen.
How channel ANAHITA affects self-development?
In ancient times it was believed that ANAHITA promotes maturation of the crop, it protects and fills with the life-giving creative force. The life of each of us, too, is comparable to a continuous maturation. This process is called enlightenment by Eastern sages.
People are like fruits, which ripen during their life and filled with special vigor. Since ancient times, this force was considered as a knowledge, and it’s nature is very close to Anahita’s power of knowledge.
ANAHITA is a particular aspect of knowledge. It teaches to finish what started and to enjoy the deserved result of the actions.
Thanks to the work with the channel, we get rid of pity and shyness. ANAHITA tells the story of the ancient mysteries of the Phoenix, which is continuously burned and reborn again. This is the path of ascent. In this purifying fire burns all unnecessary.
The same fire brings together all the best in us, that was possible to open from the circle of our journeys. As a result of this fiery meltdown we have the opportunity to be reborn, and then to open a new round of holistic self-development.
Anahita opens creativity in humans, directing it to personal and universal prosperity and enlightenment.
ANAHITA helps in discovering the unique natural charm and artistry, which is invaluable in enriching our personal lives and the lives of people close to us.
Healing properties of the channel ANAHITA
Anahita relieves nervous tension and anxiety, has a balancing and calming effect. Energy is directed to melt imbalance, and then sends it to the creative channel. Even in ancient times ANAHITA was considered the patroness of medicine. Many pilgrims were trying to get healing from it.
Today, thanks to Zoroastrism, such processes are much easier and more efficient. Energy can be used for various ailments. The result will be noticeable almost immediately.
You will be surprised at the beneficial impact that ANAHITA has on the body and the mind, not only your own but also other people. Channel is able to positively impact the offspring, as well as everything connected with them.
This can be a problem for women with infertility or male impotence, a difficult birth or difficulties in raising children. ANAHITA provides assistance and support in all these matters.
Let’s not forget that not only people need healing, but also the land, as well as trees, plants, livestock and other animals living on it. Do not hesitate and do not be afraid to explore the energy in the garden, pasture and the pets. The result will please you.
Goddess of fertility, abundance and love.
The great Iranian goddess identified with the ancient Armenian ANAHITA, ancient Greek Artemis or Aphrodite, the ancient Georgian Dali, Roman Diana and Egyptian Niiti.
Historians call her the Great Lady, the patron and protector of the land.
- Brings home happiness, prosperity and comfort. Creates a sense of security and stability. Strengthening of love and friendship, marriage and partnerships
- Empowers love, creates attraction and connects. Very creative energy
- Patroness of medicine and healing
- Anahita teaches to understand each other without words, being in unity. Makes relationships fruitful and true without nervousness, being emotional and wearing masks
- Creates a strong team. Teaches to finish tasks
- Calming and balancing effect. Reroutes disbalance into creative path
- The energy of birth and rebirth. Treats infertility, supports during a pregnancy, facilitates childbirth
- Helps in solving problems related to the education of children and the establishment of a harmonious relationship in the family
- Used wherever there is a lack of energy for fertility – whether it is unproductive work, financial instability, barren land or male impotence
- Relieves tension and restores balance. harmonization of business situations
- In the past, pilgrims were sent to her temples to be healed
- Participates in the healing of all diseases, especially works well in conjunction with the HUBBIE