Magister of Cosmoenergetics - Progressor IRINA ALP  Eng   Rus

Egregorian Zoroastrianism is one of the successful spiritual practices, both at old ages and in modern life. Zoroastrianism is the energy of materializations (from 2 days up to 2 months).
Egregorian Zoroastrianism is a parallel direction and is not a Сosmoenergy. Unlike the cosmoenergy channels, this practice is not about frequencies. In Egregorian Zoroastrianism, it is practiced to appeal to space egregors.
Appeal, or call of the gods, occurs at the source of open fire.

MITRA :: Realization of any adequate consecutive desires. Activation of volitional powers. Formation of strong-willed Intention to achieve the goal. Healing.
ANAHITA :: The channel (frequency) of wealth, welfare, love. Infertility treatment. Healing.
HUBBIE :: The frequency of Water. Large-scale evolutionary changes in human life. Soft, powerful "female" energy. Also it works with weather. Helps while traveling. Healing.
MAX :: The frequency of the Moon. It works with children. Helps in overcoming insomnia, depression. Suspension of internal dialogue. Healing.
HUMO :: The frequency of Happiness. It brings luck,prosperity. Harmonization of relationships. Attraction of financial prosperity. Healing.
DEEN :: The frequency of Sacred fire. General energy cleaning of the energy body. Elimination of troublesome energy bindings. Working with depression. Healing.
ESHMA :: The frequency of Passion. All kinds of work with sexual energy – one of the main life energies. Repair of one’s forces. Functional recovery of urinary-genital sphere. Harmonization of sexual life.
MIRIH :: The frequency of War. It works for destruction of bad habits, bindings, negative energy impacts, etc., as well as for a creation positive things. Removes energy impacts. Works with bad habits. Rectification of an injustice. Healing.
YEDINE :: The Defender. The frequency of global protection: physical, psychological, financial, etc.
SRAUSH :: The cult of the dead. Works on the destruction of poltergeists and noise in the apartment.
AHRIMAN :: The frequency of evil. Works for evil (akin to Ratha): as a protection of the Magister of Cosmoenergetics. It works automatically. Never open and use it!
TISHTRIA :: Master of stars and rains. It is used in the treatment of eye diseases: cataract, glaucoma, myopia, hyperopia.
RASHNA :: The frequency of judgment, justice and balance. The universal force. It harmonizes two worlds: material and immaterial.
ORMUZD :: The frequency of light and goodness. It enlightens (cleans a person powerfully). Helps to keep self-control, inspiration, imagination and intuition. It increases he effect of all frequencies by several times. This frequency is very good to be used during all sessions.
Cosmoenergy School Irina Alp  © 2018-2025